
Exploring faith with the rising generation

Growing disciples and creating spaces where young people can encounter God’s love

Young people are welcome at any and all of our services. Most like to attend our later service at 10.45am. For all those age 11-16, our youth group meets on Sundays during the 10.45am service with Jo and the team for teaching, food and games.

ASCY is on Thursdays, 6.15pm – 8.15pm, usually in the youth space during term time only, for school years 6 – 9.  We meet together and eat, play games and explore Christian faith. Learning to live the abundant life and adventure that God has planned for each of us is at the heart of what we do.

Contact Jo Szedlak for more details or take a sneak peek at what we will be up to this term here.


Our Ascension Older Youth is a group of young people year 10 to year 13 who share life –  eating, having fun, growing in their spiritual faith.


Get in touch with Jo if you would like to find out more.

Scooch is our term-time after-school drop-in on a Wednesday from 3:00-4:00pm in our Youth Space.

All secondary school age youth welcome to pop by for a doughnut, a hot chocolate and a chat.

Our Vision for the Rising Generation

We are passionate about what our youth offer to the life of the church and our wider community.

We believe it is our calling to provide opportunities to help the rising generation discover Jesus and to raise up young people who will have a strong sense of who they are in Christ. To encourage them to walk in a close, prophetic lifestyle with Him, grounded in God’s word.

Our vision is to see young people grow into adults who will live fearlessly in the incredible adventure Christ has for them, living the abundant life that Jesus desires for us all and a passion for sharing it with the world.

Want to see what we get up to? Check out our Instagram Page


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