to Ascension Church Southampton!
I am so glad you have made the time to join us here at Ascension. We love welcoming new people into our community here and inviting them to grow deeper in love with Jesus and together working out what it looks like to be a disciple in our everyday lives!
Click the link below and fill in your contact details to receive our monthly newsletter and get informed when the next Newcomers’ lunch will be. I look forward to hearing your story.
Revd. Simon Robertson

We are a church passionate about meeting with Jesus, encountering the Holy Spirit, and helping others do the same.
Want to find out more about us? follow the links below
Our Ministries
At Ascension, we love ministering to all ages and stages of life through both our Sunday gatherings AND midweek opportunities for discipleship and community.
Use the accordion to find out more about the areas of ministry that you are interested in
Our 0-10s meet regularly both during Sunday services and midweek and love learning more about God through story, play and song.
Our 11-18s love to grow deeper in community together and explore the Bible both on Sundays and midweek. They also have lots of fun and eat lots of delicious food together!
Whether you’re at university, working, or on a gap-year, you are welcome here.
Whatever stage you’re at, there are loads of opportunity for community at Ascension for adults. We hold regular events for men and women but the best way to get involved is to join one of our small groups.
Join a Team
The best way to find community here at Ascension is to get stuck in with the life and mission of God’s Kingdom here in Southampton
Small Groups
If you’re new to our congregation, the best way to get to know people is to join a Small Group. These communities gather across the parish to worship, pray and read the Bible together.