Every Day God Encounters

EDGE+  is a friendly, mixed group of people from many different ages and cultural backgrounds, some with children, some without, some single, others in relationships – everyone is welcome.

We meet every other Sunday afternoon at Townhill Hub 123, Meggeson Avenue, from 4.00pm – 6.00pm for friendship, support, games, craft and stories of Jesus. We also share a simple meal  together each time we meet. See our What’s On page for when we are meeting next.

If you would like to find out more about Jesus, are lonely and looking for friends, or would just like something to occupy the kids for a couple of hours, we would love to meet you.

EDGE stands for Every Day God Encounters, as we believe that God, who we can know through Jesus, cares about every detail of our lives, every day and would love to be a part of them. We also, in believing he loves us all, know that we should love and respect people of all faiths and none, so while Jesus is central to all we do, our fun, crafts, friendship and food are for all, whatever your beliefs may or may not be.

Get in touch

If you would like more details please contact Ruth





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