September News

Good morning, We hope you have been enjoying the summer.  We are happy to be welcoming you all back to our normal patterns here at Ascension as we embark on this new term together. With a new term, comes lots of news to update you all on:  Staffing Update We are pleased to welcome Lorna back […]

August News

‘Rest in the Lord’ (Psalm 37:7) Here at Ascension, our vision is to see God’s kingdom come to our communities through making and growing whole life followers of Jesus. As part of being followers of Jesus, it is important that we get to rest just as Jesus did. So as a church, August will be […]

July News

With the summer break just around the corner, we want to keep you informed about what’s planned at Ascension for July and August. August During the month of August, our Sundays will look a little different.  The 9 am and 10.45 am services will continue but the 10.45 am service will be a bit shorter […]

June News

As we move into summer we want to make sure you are kept up to date with what’s happening in our Church life here at Ascension. A hello and a fond farewellWe are delighted to welcome Luke to the team!  Luke was recently employed as our Assistant Children’s and Youth Worker and will be supporting […]

May News

We hope you enjoyed Easter and the Holy Week activities last month. As we move into May there is still much going on here at Ascension to tell you about!  Coronation Celebrations Saturday Screening and indoor Picnic The coronation ceremony of King Charles III will take place on Saturday 6th May.  We will be screening […]

Holy Week at Ascension

Wondering what’s on this Easter?We would love for you to join us this Holy Week as we reflect on Jesus’s journey towards the cross. Each day we will engage in a different part of the story, this year following Matthew’s account. The plan for the week is; Monday: 9:00am Morning Prayer and 7:00pm Evening prayer […]

April News

Holy Week 2023 Online prayers and reflectionThis year we will be providing prayer videos for you to use throughout Holy Week.  Led by different members of our church family, the videos offer a chance to pray and reflect on the story of Jesus at the start of each day. Approximately 10 minutes long, they can […]

March News

Newcomers MealWe loved welcoming our newcomers with a meal at the end of February. If you are new to us here at Ascension but missed the meal, then please do get in touch as we would love to get to know you and help you feel more at home here at Ascension. Contact Discipleship Series […]

February News

February is here and we have so much going on at Ascension to share with you this month! We are recruiting! Here at Ascension, we are so honoured to have one-third of our congregation made up of under-18’s –  we are passionate about what these young people offer to the life of the church and […]

January News

Christmas cookies Ascension Church Southampton

As we welcome a new year, it is time to reflect on the last year and start looking ahead.  We are grateful to you all as we grow as followers of Jesus, as a community, and how we engage in loving mission through acts of loving service to those in Bitterne Park and beyond.  Over […]