March News

Welcome to March! Easter is, of course, our main focus this month and we have lots of special activities on during Holy Week to tell you about. Holy Week and Easter 2024’Holy Week at Home’ Boxes This year we are delighted to offer ‘Holy Week at Home’ boxes containing prompts and guides to help us reflect […]
February News

Although the early months of the year can seem slow while we wait for the warmth and sunshine which Spring brings, here at Ascension we have exciting new activities springing into life as well as lots of news to update you on: Winter Youth FestLast month our young people met with other young people from […]
January News

Happy New Year! After the busyness of Christmas, it is great to reach a quieter time where there is time and space to reflect on the year that has gone, and to look forward at what might lie ahead. We look forward to journeying through this new year with you. The EDGE Hub Launch DateSiara […]
December News

Advent is here and with it brings lots of exciting news to update you on from us here at Ascension. We will be extremely busy throughout December as we welcome local pre-schools and schools into our building for special services, and our Christmas events and services bring many visitors through our doors too. Please pray […]
Eco-Church Silver Award

We are excited to announce that Ascension has been awarded the Eco-Church Silver Award! Well done to everyone involved in reaching this amazing milestone! Find out more about the award and what was involved on the Eco Church website:
July News

With the summer break just around the corner, we want to keep you informed about what’s planned at Ascension for July and August. August During the month of August, our Sundays will look a little different. The 9 am and 10.45 am services will continue but the 10.45 am service will be a bit shorter […]