March News

Spring finally feels like it is here! With the start of a new month, we have lots of exciting news and updates to share with you.

Lent Quiet Day
As we prepare our hearts and minds for Lent, the church will be open today (Saturday 1st March) from 10am-3pm for a Quiet Day. This is an opportunity to come aside and spend time experiencing the presence of God in silence and to help mark the season of Lent. There will be prayer stations, creative opportunities and space for personal contemplation. Come for as little or as much of the day as you can.

Big Church Lunch
The first Sunday of each month we would love you to eat your lunch with us! Join us after the 10:45am service for our Big Church Lunch. Bring some food and get to know others in the church. Our next lunch will be this Sunday (2nd March) at 12:30pm – do come along if you can – we would love to see you there.

Ash Wednesday
On Ash Wednesday (5th March) we will be holding a 10am Traditional Ash Wednesday Service with Ashing here at Ascension. Following the service, we will have a half hour of prayer for Townhill Park and family life at Ascension.

Heart & Soul
We are excited to start our new Heart & Soul weekly social group this month. This will be an opportunity for members of our community to get together on a weekly basis, starting Thursday 6th March 2-4pm, to build and grow relationships so that we can support and encourage each other. Expect conversation, games, and other activities along with refreshments.  Get in touch with Andy Milligan or Jackie Cooper to find out more.

Evening Prayer Meeting
We will be holding an evening prayer meeting to pray for the different activities in the church on Tuesday 18th March at 7:30-9pm. This will replace small groups for this week and allow people to come and pray for the different ministries of the church.

Goodbye to Ruth and Alex
Ruth will sadly be leaving her role here as Lead Evangelist at the end of the month to move closer to family. Ruth and Alex’s last Sunday with us will be Sunday 30th March. We would love you to join us at 10am for tea and cake between our two services as we say our goodbyes and thankyous to both Alex and Ruth as they head off on their next adventure. Please do keep Ruth, Sandra and the EDGE Team in your prayers this month.

Dad’s Lego Breakfast
Another new and exciting group to tell you about is our Dad’s Lego Breakfast! Once a month on a Saturday morning (10am-12pm) we will be hosting a Dad’s Lego Breakfast for dads and male carers to connect and spend quality time with their kids with lots of Lego – aimed at primary school children. £1 per person which includes bacon roll, tea, coffee and juice for the kids. All dads/male carers and primary school kids welcome. The first session will be on Saturday 5th April, no need to book, just turn up and enjoy!

Maundy Thursday Service and Meal
Join us on Maundy Thursday (17th April) for a unique service and meal as we remember the night before Jesus died. Doors will open at 6:45 and we’ll begin at 7pm in the worship space, we will eat together, worship together and share communion. Please sign up via the website. If you would be able to provide a pudding to keep our costs down, then please contact

Parish Electoral Roll renewal
Every parish in the Church of England has an Electoral Roll. This is the register of people who can vote at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM) and stand for election to the PCC. Every six years, the preparation of a new electoral rolls takes place, which means everyone must re-register – this year it’s that sixth year! So, in the coming weeks we will send out electronic and paper forms for you to join the new Parish Electoral Roll so please do keep an eye out for this!

Other Upcoming Events 

More information available on website 

Tuesday Prayers           Every Tuesday 12:30-1:00pm

Morning Prayers           Every Wednesday 6:30-7:30am

EDGE+                            Sunday 9th & 23rd March and 6th & 20th April  4- 6pm

Men’s Breakfast            Saturday 15th March & 19th April 8.30-10am Tickets £5 

Ladies Group                 Fridays 7th & 21st March and  4th April

Finally, as we prepare for Lent, we leave you with a verse from Joel 2:13:

“Rend your heart and not your garments. Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love, and he relents from sending calamity.”

God Bless, 
Ascension Staff Team


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