February News

As the evenings get lighter and Spring is around the corner, we welcome you to our February Newsletter.

Thank you for all your prayers for Alpha. We have had an amazing number of people join us and it is going really well. Please continue to pray for all those involved. Many thanks to those who have helped prepare the meals for this- it is such an important part of the evening. If you are able to prepare a meal for Alpha in February please get in touch with Bev (bev@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk).

Sunday Evening Service
We are starting a new Sunday Evening service this Sunday (9th Feb)! Our evening service will take place each Sunday at 7pm. There will be a mix of great video talks, lively group discussions, heartfelt prayer, and inspiring sung worship. We hope that it will be a relaxed, welcoming space to explore faith, connect with others, and grow together in faith. We will be starting this week with the “Practicing the Way” course by John Mark Comer. Hope to see you there!

Staff Changes
We have some sad news that Ruth will be leaving us in April to move closer to family. Ruth has been instrumental in setting up and running EDGE+ and the EDGE Hub in Townhill Park and she and Alex will be sorely missed. Their last Sunday with us will be 30th March. Sandra will continue in her role based in Townhill Park and we are working with Church Army and the council to see what the future looks like for EDGE in Townhill Park. Please do keep Ruth, Sandra and the EDGE Team in your prayers this month.

Breakfast Club at the Hub
We continue to host breakfast at the EDGE Hub on Saturdays 10am-12am, and we would welcome some volunteers to help set-up and cook—please contact Sandra or the office if you can help. Thanks!

Please bring your own cups
As you know we are always trying to reduce the amount of waste we produce, so can we ask you to bring you own tea/coffee cups on Sunday morning to help reduce the use of paper cups and reduce the load on our wonderful hospitality team.

While it feels Christmas is only just over, Lent starts on the 5th March, so we wanted to update you on our Lent and Easter plans:

Quiet Day: “Preparing for Lent” – Saturday 1st March from 10-3pm.
This Quiet Day offers an opportunity to come aside and spend time experiencing the presence of God in silence and to help mark the season of Lent. There will be prayer stations, creative opportunities and space for personal contemplation. Please sign up via the website or talk to Jackie (jackie@ascensionsouthampton.co.uk) to let us know if you planning to attend.

Ash Wednesday Service – Wednesday 5th March, 10am
Join us as we mark the start of Lent with a traditional Ash Wednesday service here at Ascension.

Palm Sunday – All age service – Sunday 13th April, 10:45am
There will be no kids and youth groups on Sunday 13th April as we will be holding an all-age service at 10:45 to mark Palm Sunday

Maundy Thursday – Service and Meal – Thursday 17th April, 7pm
Join us on Maundy Thursday for a unique service as we remember the final night before Jesus died. We will eat together, worship together and celebrate communion. Tickets for this cost £5 to cover the cost of the meal, sign up via our website or the office.

Good Friday Reflections – Friday 18th April, 9-11am
The church will be open for prayer and reflection on Good Friday.

Easter Sunday Services – Sunday 20th April
6am – Sunrise Service at Riverside Park
9am – Holy Communion
10:45am – All age service of Holy Communion

Other upcoming dates for your diary:
Ascension Ladies Group – Thursdays 7th & 21st February
The Ladies Group will be meeting on 7th February for a Games afternoon and 21st February for Malcolm High’s talk on his Pilgrimage to Canterbury. Please speak to Frances Samphire for more details.

EDGE+ – Sundays 9th & 23rd February 4 – 6pm
Friendship, support, games, craft and stories of Jesus at the Townhill Park Community Centre

All Age Service – Sunday 16th February, 10:45am

Men’s Breakfast – Saturday 15th February, 8.30-10am
A breakfast social for the men from our church and community. Tickets £5 via Ascension website.

Finally, we want to leave with you with a verse from Joshua 3:5 “Joshua told the people, “Consecrate yourselves, for tomorrow the Lord will do amazing things among you.”

God Bless

Ascension Staff Team


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